The Department of Treasuries Accounts and Lotteries is an integral part of the Finance Department. Principal Secretary (Finance) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh is its Administrative Secretary and Secretary (Finance) is its ex-officio Head of Department.

This department came into existence independently in 1971, prior to it, was part of Revenue department.

Administrative control of all Treasuries and Sub Treasuries in the State rests with this Department. Apart from this, the department is also responsible for making available to all other departments, Boards and corporations, the trained and skilled personnel of Subordinate Accounts Services cadre to exercise effective check and control over the Finances of Government.

Functions of Department

# Financial transaction of State Government
1. Receipts due to the Government 2. All payments on behalf of Government.
# Proper Accounting/compilation of Government Accounts
# Rendition of accounts to the Accountant General
# Nodal agency for procurement and distribution of Non-Postal stamps.
# Custodian of valuables, opium etc.
# Nodal agency of Pension disbursement system.
# Supplying of voucher No. and CTRs to the DDO’s
# Budget control / Financial control of DDO’s.
# Advisory Role in Financial matters to DDO’s.
# As a banker in Non-Banking Sub Treasuries.

Work profile of different wings of treasury.

# District Treasury
1. Token2. Bill passing section.3. L.O.C.4. G.I.S.
5. Pension.6. Deposits7. Accounts Section8. Treasurer Section

Token Section

# Bill is presented at first stage in this section and unique number known as Token Number is assigned to the bill. The bill is routed through the token section in its back journey.

Bill Passing Section

# Main function of this section is to scrutinize the bills properly and pass or object the bills according to rules / instructions.


# LOC is received from respective circles of PWD and IPH and further authorization is issued to bank and sub treasury.


# This section maintains and compiles the GIS account of the district.


# This section receives PPOs of State and Interstate Pensioners from A.G. Office and maintain the proper record and generate pension scroll of the state pensioners for disbursement at various bank branches.


# This section deals with the maintenance of the deposit account of different departments and submit the monthly accounts statement and lapsed statement etc. to the A.G. and authorize the payment through refund vouchers or Cheques.

Accounts Section

# The compilation of accounts of receipts and payments of district are done in this section and further submitted to Accountant General of H.P. CTR, check list and voucher list are generated and further supplied to all DDOs by this section

Treasurer Section

# The stamps are stored in the strong room which are received from Nodal Depot and supplied to the public directly and to stamp vendors. Opium, valuable, duplicate keys of chests of different departments, cheque books , receipts books and any other material as ordered by Collector are stored in the strong room.
    (Preparation of Salary Bills)
  • ePension
    (Online Pension Processing)
  • eVitran
    (Online Budget Disbursement)
  • eChallan
    (GoHP receipt via online mode)
  • eKosh
    (Online Financial Reporting)
    (New Pension Scheme MIS)
    (Electronic transfer of VLC Data)
    (Treasury Information System)
    (SNASparsh Bills for CSS Schemes)