Budget Allocation The web-based interface is available to the HODs of various Departments for distribution
of sanctioned budget to their respective DDOs in the field offices. Sanction letters
for the DDOs are generated through the SW. Based on this distribution, payments
of bills from the Treasuries are authorised.
Sanction/letters can be downloaded by DDOs from their respective location without
any delay. It helps them to avoid unnecessary visits to directorates for the sake
of budget.
Plan Budget Preparation The plan budget preparation excerise gets initiated by Planning Department, eVitran has facility to speed up the process of plan budget preparation. Adviser Planning, electronically communicates Component wise / Sub-Plan wise Plan-Ceiling to HODs for submisstion of scheme wise estimates to Department of Planning. Once the Plan budget finalize, it is directly available to Finance Department (FD) to analize and incorporate in budget demands of next Financial year.