What is eKosh?

eKosh is the central information dissemination interface through the Internet for various stakeholders like Finance Department, HODs, DDOs, employees, AG, Pensioners etc. All kinds of MIS reports are available on this Interface in the public domain.

For Finance Department
For Departments [HODs/DDOs]
Graphical Dashboard
Manpower Planning, Projections - BI Reports
Budget Analysis - BI Reports
RBD - Reserve Bank Deposits [Net Cash Outgo] (Compiled)
RBD - Affecting Highest Expenditure Bills - All Treasuries
Expected Liability - Pending DDO Bills above query Amount
Expected Liability - Pending Bills SOE Wise (Drilldown till HOD)
Expected Liability - Pending Bills SOE Wise (Breakup of 15 days)
Expected Liability - HOD Wise pendency (Drilldown till DDO)
Period Wise Passed Bills with largest Gross Amount
Budget - Original Budget (April) Allocation Vs Treasury Expenditure
Comparison - Receipt of two FinYear (Compiled or Booked)
Comparison - Expenditure of two FinYear (Compiled or Booked)
Receipt - Drill Down Head Wise Detail(Compiled or Booked)
Expenditure - State Level Summeries (Compiled/Passed)
Expenditure - Drill Down HOD Wise Detail(Passed and Compiled)
Expenditure - HOD Wise Detail (Sub Minor Head Wise)
Expenditure - Drill Down SOE Wise Detail(Passed and Compiled)
Expenditure - Booked Under Non-Budgeted Schemes/Refunds
Stamps - Stock Availability Status
For Excise Receipts Only.
Zone Wise/ District Wise Excise Consolidated Income Figures
For Budget/Tribal Development etc.
Demand Wise Expenditure (Compiled/Passed)
Sanctioned and Revised Budget
For PFMS Reconcilation
PFMS Mapped Scheme Data
eContracts - AOC/NIT
Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT)
Award of Contracts (AOC)
GOI Sanctions
View GOI Sanctions
For HODs and DDOs
eBudget-HOD Wise Budget Allocation
eBudget - HOD Wise Sanctioned Budget, Savings
eVitran - Drill Down Budget Distribution Detail
Expenditure - HOD Wise (Compiled/Passed)
Consolidated DDO Wise Allocation and Expenditure Report for HOD
Current DDO Allocation and Expenditure (Passed and Compiled)
Retirements - Due in E-Salary (Next 24 Months)
For DDOs
DDO Monthly Expenditure Report
*DDO Voucher / Challan After FY 2016
DDO Voucher / Challan Before FY 2016
DDO Wise Expenditure Query (Budgeted and NonBudgeted)
DDO Wise Receipt (Query)
Cyber Treasury - Service Charge Collection Detail [Head10]
For Works Department (LOC Cheques)
DDO Wise Cheque Payment/Receipt(8782)
LOC Quarterly Expenditure (Compiled/Passed)
LOC Expenditure As per Selected Date (Compiled/Passed)
For Third Party Payments
Miscellaneous Payments/eBhugtan to Contractor,Vendor, employee, Pensioner or any individual
HPSEB Bill Payment Detail for bills prepared using HPSEB Bill Webservice
eBhugtan Mobile App Available DownLoad Now
For AG (Audit)
Consolidated DDO Wise Expenditure and Allocation Data
Payment and Receipt under 8342 (NPS)
View eBill/Voucher
For RBI-Banks Reconcilation
Bank and Major Head Wise Payments
Bank and Major Head Wise Receipts
    (Preparation of Salary Bills)
  • ePension
    (Online Pension Processing)
  • eVitran
    (Online Budget Disbursement)
  • eChallan
    (GoHP receipt via online mode)
  • eKosh
    (Online Financial Reporting)
    (New Pension Scheme MIS)
    (Electronic transfer of VLC Data)
    (Treasury Information System)
    (SNA SPARSH Bills for CSS Schemes)